Wednesday, February 13, 2013

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Menehunes Missing, with Cheryl Martin

Nancy Drew is back...and she's Hawaiian!

Book Two of the The Hawaiian Island Detective Club is here!

About Menehunes Missing:
The acrid smell of billowing smoke
from a fire set as a diversion sends a clear message for
Leilani Akamai, Maile Onakea, and Sam Bennett
to shift into Detective Club mode,
and discover who is stealing the statues of
Hawaii's Leprechaun-like little people.
And why.

I love Cheryl's cheeriness.

Cheryl grew up in Southern Oregon and earned a BA with honors in Recreation and Park Management from the University of Oregon. She went on to work for a number of years as a Recreation Coordinator and Community Center Director in Portland, Oregon.

After years of working with and teaching kids, she is now writing for Middle Grades. Her childhood love of Nancy Drew sparked a never-ending appreciation for mysteries, and her sun-worshipping spirit led her to the Hawaiian Islands for a year while she attended The University of Hawaii.

Her series, The Hawaiian Island Detective Club, springs from her experiences in mystery and the exotic land of pineapples, palms, sand, and surf. The first book in the series, Pineapples in Peril, won the Novel Journey YA/MG contest in April 2010 and placed third in The Kiss of Death, Daphne Du Maurier Mainstream Mystery Competition in July 2010.

She is a member of Oregon Christian Writers, American Christian Fiction Writers, and is Vice President of the Portland Chapter of ACFW.
Book Three, Ukeleles Undercover, in releases August 14.
Connect with Cheryl:
My website address is I also have a blog all about Hawaii at
You can also connect with me on my facebook author page at
If “tweeters” would like to comment on The Hawaiian Island Detective Club, they can add the hashtag: #HIDC
Enjoy an interview with Kimo from the book, and with the author.


Kimo, you have a real love/hate relationship with Leilani, huh?

Leilani’s a super good detective, but she doesn’t think I’m good. But I’m real smart and do good at snooping and stuff. I also saved Leilani, Maile and Sam when they were trapped in that old shed.

Yes, you did! Is your sister going to let you be an official member of the club?

I dunno. But she’s teaching me lots of way cool stuff. She says I’m in training to be a real detective.

I know you helped out with the Menehunes mystery. What was your favorite part?

When I got to drive Mrs. Wong crazy. She’s soooooo funny! She scares everyone else, but she just makes me laugh and laugh. I also liked figuring out the clues. Leilani, Maile and Sam couldn’t even get the first clue right. I was the only one who knew the right answer. (Kimo puffs his chest and grins)

Did you ever get involved in something scary?

Nope. But I got real scared when the police came to our house, because it made Mom sad. I was afraid she would cry and cry, but the officers were way nice and they just wanted to help.

You don’t like water sports, so what do you like to do for fun?

I like to draw, do detective things and play video games. I also love playing the ukulele. After school starts, I’ll be taking lessons again.

Thanks for visiting, Kimo.


Questions and Answers by Cheryl

Here are a few Q & A for you to pick from if you would like to include an interview of me on your blog. Take the liberty of personalizing the questions to correspond with the answers. Also feel free to send me your additional questions, and I’ll answer them!

If something doesn’t make sense, let me know and I’ll try to clarify.

What is a Menehune and how do they go missing?
They are Hawaii’s treasured “little people,” kind of like a Leprechaun. As a school fundraiser, Menehune statues are hidden around town. Leilani, Maile and Sam get clues and try to find the locations. But the kids soon discover that the statues are missing from their spots.

What inspired you to write this series?
I have always loved Hawaii ever since I lived there while attending The University of Hawaii. I combined that with my interest in writing for ages 8-12 years and The Hawaiian Island Detective Club was born!

The three books in this series are entitled Pineapples in Peril, Menehunes Missing, and Ukuleles Undercover.

What advice do you have for new writers?
If you’re goal oriented, try setting a reasonable word count goal that allows for you to get ahead at times and gives you make-up time as well. Also, set aside that time to simply sit down and write—don’t go to any e-mails, facebook pages, etc. It’s all about planting yourself in front of that computer and pounding out the words!

Who or what inspires you?
I was first inspired to write as a child, reading Nancy Drew. I knew at that young age that I would one day write a mystery!

Striving to do what God has placed in front of me motivates me to keep pressing forward. Sharing wholesome mysteries filled with fun, humor, mishaps and unexpected moments for kids to enjoy also motivates me to continue this amazing journey.

What do you do for fun and relaxation when you’re not writing?
I love to grow veggies, and blueberries and raspberries on my deck. I also love to sing, and am part of my church’s drama team—challenging, yet rewarding. I swim with my son and do push-ups with the Oregon Duck (the U of O mascot) whenever Oregon scores—and, yes, they’re men’s push-ups! I’m practicing for another great fall of football and push-ups!

Tell us a little about your family:
I have a great husband, three amazing kids and Lilly, a Persian cat who’s definitely “The Queen.”

My oldest son, Ian, has his own home and works for Nautilus. My daughter, Ashley, is married to a wonderful man, Dave. She works for Portland State University and he is a lawyer for a Portland, Oregon firm. My youngest son, Shane, wants to be an artist for a Graphic Novel company. He’s busy working on projects and sending them off—not unlike being an author!

This May, Ashley and Dave are making me a first-time grandma (Tutu in Hawaii)!

What They’re Saying About Pineapples in Peril, Book One of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club 

Nancy Drew is Back . . . And She's Hawaiian! –Jessica Nelson

My daughter, who is not a huge reader, is loving her copy!  She is reading Pineapples in Peril and I don’t have to push her to read the 15 minutes she’s supposed to read every day! –A Mom

My son was super excited to show his class the book that you autographed. He has already finished the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. He is already excited about the next book in the series! –A Mom

My thirteen-year-old twin girls just finished reading Pineapples in Peril and both loved the book. One particularly focused on the characters. "I felt like I knew them by the time I got to the end." She also enjoyed how the author built the plot in such a way that kept her guessing. My other twin writes: "What I liked was the never-ending excitement, as well as the atmosphere of intensity growing with every page. I enjoyed how Leilani includes her brother even though he gets on her nerves." –A Mom

Bethany loved your first book! I will be ordering this one for her. –A Mom

The fifth-grade class in library this morning were so excited to check out Pineapples in Peril! Also, a few of the students who had purchased books were carrying them into library. I had one student tell me she has already read it all the way through one time and is in the process of reading it a second time because "it is soooo good!" –C. Reed, Librarian

This is such a great book! –A Fourth Grader

Thank you for writing my favorite book ever! –Emma

I love this book—My favorite book! The best thing about it is the mystery. Annika

I am totally a fan of you! –Amanda

It's the best mystery book I've ever read and I think it's now my favorite book. I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out. You write good books. –Iyana (age 10)

Your book is awesome! –Jadon

We love your book so far! –Nakkita (the class is reading it at school)

I love the book you wrote and can't wait till the next ones come out. You should write more books for the Hawaiian Island Detective Club series. Annika (age 10)

This is a very good book with some excellent morals we can learn from: like treating your siblings with love and respecting your parents. I really liked Leilani and felt her loss and victories. –Maddie



When I was a middle school teacher, my students would have loved this book. Do you want to get your children, grandchildren, or neighborhood youngsters hooked on reading good books this school year? Then you’ll want to grab this great middle-grade mystery –Davalynn Spencer

This is such a fun story! An adventure-mystery set in Hawaii where the kids have to solve the crime—what's NOT to love?! It's the kind of adventure I drooled about having when I was in middle school. Even as an adult, I couldn't wait for the next chapter! –Emily C. Reynolds

Fun, exciting, and well-written. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is exciting.  I read the book in two days (while homeschooling and writing!) – I enjoyed it that much. –Danika Cooley

Cheryl has a way with writing for Middle Readers, but little does she know, she has this writer hooked on the mysteries as well. –Linda Glaz

The description and lure of the Hawaiian setting is so great it gives readers a chance to feel like they’re walking on the beaches in their flip-flops. –Sophie Cuffe

A Nancy Drew-style story for the twenty-first century—packed with investigative fun that will bring young readers back for more adventures with the Hawaiian Island Detective Club. –Jill Williamson


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Inspirational Bloggers Award

I've been awarded the Inspirational Blog Award by Gail Pallotta. She writes sweet inspirational romance and has out a new book, Stopped Cold, coming out soon. It's a great YA-themed story about peer pressure and supporting the ones you love. Be sure to stop by her blog and see how loving and supportive she is to other authors. Thank you Gail for this award!

I'm supposed to share seven things about myself.

1. My favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold unswervingly to the faith we profess, for He is faithful." It's a reminder to me how great is the gift He has given us; it is also a challenge to remind me to practice what I preach.

2. I just started back leading Bible study after a several-year absence and on the first session, forgot my Bible.

3. Missed a tissue in the laundry this morning...ick...

4. I'm a local history nut.

5. I'm enjoying watching three amaryllis plants peek out of their dried up bulbs in pots in front of a snowy landscape

6. My farm neighbors are Amish.

7. I collect miniature dragons.

I'm giving the award to nine authors with inspirational blogs. Be sure to stop by and visit them.

Linda Glaz

Teena Stewart

Davalynn Spencer

Karla Akins

Gail Kittleson

Tamera Kraft

Karen Prough

Karen Wingate

Janet Grunst, Colonial Quills

Sunday, February 3, 2013

CrossReads Book Blast: Winter's End by Rebeka Lyn - Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

CrossRead's First Book Blast: Winter's End by Rebekah Lyn - Enter to Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Title: Winter's End (Seasons of Faith)

By Rebekah Lyn Book Two of the Seasons of Faith Series Musician Michelle Burton just had the best night of her life. Her band Tangled Web opened for Wonderland in downtown Orlando and the crowd loved them. Too excited to sleep she makes a fateful decision to go to work early. The best night of her life turns into the worst day of her life. Nearby, at boutique Hotel Lago, Stephen Longbottom, acting concierge manager, is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the board of directors for Silken Pleasures, a multimillion dollar company based in New York and specializing in high end cosmetics, fragrances and lingerie. Their incessant demands before they even arrive are driving him to distraction. Meanwhile Lizzie Reynolds, his boss is on a romantic ski trip in Vermont leaving him to manage his first solo event. Hope, forgiveness and love are an integral message throughout the book and like a fine tapestry the threads of God’s master plan for the character’s lives are woven into a fabric of great storytelling, conflict and humor. Readers who came to know and love the characters of Summer Storms will enjoy catching up with Lizzie, Stephen, Michelle, Jeffrey and Ian.

Kindle | Paperback
Rebekah Lyn ScanRebekah is a Christian with a heart for new beginnings. She is a Florida native and a graduate of Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Fl. A love of history, research and journaling led naturally to a passion for writing. She enjoys travel and has traveled extensively across the United States and Canada as well as Europe and the Caribbean. Her reading taste run from the classics to light fiction. When she is not working or writing, she enjoys cooking,baking and sharing recipes on her blog, Her current works include, Summer Storms and Winter's End, books one and two in The Seasons of Faith series, and Julianne the first book in The Coastal Chronicle series. She is currently working on the, as yet untitled, second book in the Coastal Chronicles set in coastal Florida during the early years of the space program. Rebekah currently resides in Florida along with her "attack" cat, Mia. They would enjoy meeting with you on her Facebook page.
Follow Rebekah Lyn Website | Facebook | Twitter

Enter to Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Enter below to enter a $25 amazon gift card, sponsored by author Rebekah Lyn!


a Rafflecopter giveaway This book blast is hosted by Crossreads. We would like to send out a special THANK YOU to all of the CrossReads book blast bloggers!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adam Blumer Talks about life and his New Book

Adam, what do you love about The Tenth Plague?

This, my second novel, explores the idea of a killer using the biblical plagues of Egypt as a playbook for revenge. I had a lot of fun plotting and researching this one—and I think readers will be pleased.

What unique thing did you learn during the writing and/or publishing process of this particular book?

The power of the collaborative process. I had a fairly strong first draft, but I was stuck. A novel editor provided a creative springboard and helped me see where my true story lay. Without her help, I doubt this story would have seen the light of day.

Tell us something about this particular book that we won’t find from your web site.
This novel required a ton of research. From an old mining tragedy to autism, from adoption law to anthrax, from pheromones to the Oklahoma City bombing, the research for this one required much more than I ever expected. I’m so thankful for technology and ease of access, thanks to the Internet. Without Google and so many resources at my fingertips, I’d probably still be researching this story. 

What’s been a favorite work experience you’ve had so far in life?
During one summer between years in high school, I worked at a library, a book lover’s paradise. Granted, a lot of the work involved stocking shelves, but being surrounded by so many fascinating books and interesting authors was pure heaven. I was born a die-hard book lover, and I’ll probably die one too. 

If you could do anything you want, what would it be?
Travel the world and write, publish, write, publish, write, publish . . . you get the idea.  

What’s the most exotic place you’ve traveled? 
Israel, in particular Old Jerusalem

What do you see outside the closest window right now?
My rather dead-looking raspberry patch, which is eagerly awaiting spring

What do you tell people when they ask “and what do you do?”
 I’m a book editor who publishes fiction on the side.

Where’s your favorite place to grocery shop? 
My wife does the grocery shopping, and she gets her best deals at Super One.

What, to you, is worship?
The word worship literally means “to bow down.” In the context of my faith, worship means bowing to God’s wishes for my life, regardless of what area it may be. Every breath should be breathed for God will and His glory.

When you take all of the things that make you unique, how does that come out in your writing?
I love suspense fiction and history, so a blending of the two always seems to come out in my writing. In high school, I won awards in calligraphy; Gillian Thayer, my female lead, is into calligraphy in a big way (it’s her job). I’ve always been intrigued with how one’s past impacts his or her present and future. This is a recurring theme in my novels because it’s part of who I am. Now that I think about it, what I write is inseparable to some degree from who I am.

Introduce your book – plot summary and main characters, and what’s your favorite part of the story (if it doesn’t give anything away).

Water turns to blood. Flies and gnats attack the innocent.
Marc and Gillian Thayer’s vacation resort becomes a grisly murder scene, with a killer using the ten plagues of Egypt as his playbook for revenge.

When their friend turns up dead, Marc and Gillian put their vacation on hold, enlist the help of a retired homicide detective, and take a closer look at the bizarre plagues as they escalate in intensity. Meanwhile, a stranger is after the Thayers’ newly adopted baby. Will they uncover the truth behind the bitter agenda before the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn son?
My favorite part is when the firstborn son is revealed and the novel culminates in the tenth plague. This is the most suspenseful and action-packed part of the story, with several key characters in jeopardy. I had a blast writing it. Thank you, Lisa, for the opportunity to talk about my latest project.

My pleasure, Adam.
Adam is offering an electronic giveaway to a randomly chosen commenter....drop us a note and enter!

Adam Blumer is the author of two suspense novels, Fatal Illusions (Kregel) and the upcoming novel, The Tenth Plague (Kirkdale Press). A print journalism major in college, he works full time from home as a freelance writer and editor after serving in editorial roles for more than twenty years. He lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with his wife, Kim, and his daughters, Laura and Julia.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Elaine Marie Cooper shares The Unraveling of Revered G, a book review

Like the crocheted blanket coming undone on the cover of this novel, the lead character in The Unraveling of Reverend G is watching her mind disengage. And the emotional pain causes her heart to cry silently, “I can’t stand it.”

Reverend G (short for Gertrude) has always managed her difficult life with grace and courage and, until now, with all her memory intact. But the insidious and premature onset of Alzheimer’s has completely thrown this associate pastor into life-altering questions. Will her loved ones still love her? Will she turn “looney?” Will she lose the joy of God’s love? Or, even worse, forget about God? These are fears she lives with—and cannot stand.

Bravely facing an uncertain future, the 62-year-old minister, with the support of her adult son and daughter-in-law, prepares to move into a facility where she cannot wander off. Is she now a prisoner? Is her life over? But God has surprising and unexpected answers for Reverend G as it seems her ministry is still very much alive. It has just changed.

I don’t think it was by accident that I recently brought my e-reader to my own mother’s nursing home room. Very ill with the flu, my 98-year-old mom needed some extra TLC that day. In between offering my mom sips of soda and encouraging her to take her medicine, she slept peacefully while I read The Unraveling of Reverend G.

There was so much truth in this novel: The honest portrayals of family members, friends and caregivers dealing with dementia on a daily basis; the pain of watching loved ones as they slowly lose the building blocks of their memories; the brick & mortar of the patient’s thoughts slowly crumbling away.  Where once a child’s hand was held by the parent, the mother or father now relies on the encouragement and guidance of the adult child.

Author RJ Thesman paints it all through the eyes of a woman with dementia. It is brave, brilliant and beautiful.

The loving appreciation of each phase in a person’s life is celebrated, whether the child in the womb or the child in the old and frail. This is a book that should be read by everyone, but especially by “the caregivers who so patiently watch over those who sometimes forget.” These are the tender warriors to whom this amazing story is dedicated. A must read.

This is the first book in a three-part series. Looking forward to the sequels.

Author Bio:

RJ Thesman has been a writer since she flipped open her Red Chief tablet and scribbled her first story. Eventually, she had to stop writing and go to school where she earned an education degree and taught at many levels. Thesman is a biblical counselor and a Stephen Minister. She has worked in a variety of nonprofits and has served as campus minister to international students. With a variety of communication skills, Thesman is always writing and building more publishing credits. She teaches writing workshops and enjoys helping beginning writers birth their words. Thesman is the mother of an adult son, and enjoys reading, gardening and cooking - especially anything with blueberries. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Something Beautiful, with K Dawn Byrd

Welcome back to K Dawn Byrd, who talks about her new book, SomethingBeautiful

About the author:

K. Dawn Byrd is an author of inspirational novels in several genres, including historical, suspense, romance, and young adult. Some of her favorite things are chocolate, cars, and her pets. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and riding down country roads in the passenger seat of her husband's Corvette Stingray. When asked why she writes, her response is, "For the simple joy of placing words on the page!"


About the book:

Lauren Milton discovers SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL in the arms of Antony Marcos, a Hispanic bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, who saves her from a gang that accosts her on campus. She can't help herself even though no one approves of their relationship and Antony is rumored to have gang connections.
Lauren Milton has always followed the rules, but when she meets Antony Marcos, she discovers just how much fun it is to do her own thing. When Antony, the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, professes his love for her, her life is complete. He's her soul mate, but when she finds that he's harboring secrets, can she forgive him?

Antony is terrified that his secrets will destroy their relationship when Lauren finds out the truth. Does he tell the truth and face losing her or continue his activities, possibly placing her in danger? Can they make things work even though her family and friends are against him?

Lauren has PTSD from the car accident that killed her boyfriend and her mother. Can she face her greatest fears while risking everything for the guy she loves? Can they overcome the obstacles facing them to find their happily ever after?
Tell us a little more about yourself , with three things not many people know about you.

a)     I have a masters degree in professional counseling from Liberty University.

b)     I'm an animal lover. I have two hairless Chinese Crested dogs, an African Gray parrot, three ferrets, and several aquariums in my home, and somehow recently my niece ended up with a tiny fancy mouse who has found a home at my house.

c)      I love sour foods. I'd rather have olives, pickles, or dilly beans than something sweet sometimes.


Why did you choose to write this book?
I thought it would be fun to explore what it would be like to have a guy and gal fall in love who are from very different backgrounds. She's a wealthy young woman who has always had everything she's ever wanted. He's a Hispanic bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Her friends and family don't approve, which adds tension to the story.

What did you learn while writing this book?
I learned that I really do love writing romance, especially romance that contains suspense passages.

What would you like readers to take away from your book?
God is with us and we need to learn to trust our hearts.

What is the toughest test you've faced as a writer?
Finding time to write. I work a full-time job and also a lot of weekends, which means that I have to be really devoted to my writing time. I set aside at least an hour every night, six days a week if possible. The fact that I start with a well-developed plot makes things move faster.

What kind of planning do you do before writing a novel?
I fill out character sketches in order to get to know my characters better. I ask myself what their goals are, what motivates them, and what's keeping them from reaching their goals. Sometimes, I start by writing a synopsis. This gives me information about the plot as it develops. I usually have a pretty strong plot before I actually begin the story.

What are you working on right now?
I'm working on a thriller about a serial killer. It's a difficult story because there are several twists and turns and I have to be careful how I write it for everything to fall into place correctly.

What's next for you?
The Hot Line Girl in June. Luck of the Draw in November. 

How can readers get in contact with you?

Twitter: kdawnbyrd
Pinterist: kdawnbyrd
Facebook: kdawnbyrd


Enjoy a brief excerpt from Something Beautiful:

He placed his hand in the small of my back, steering me around a puddle of saltwater, and I shivered even though the night air was warm. I closed my eyes. I must be dreaming. I couldn't possibly be walking down the beach with Antony Marcos.

I didn't want the moment to end, the night to end. Something deep inside of him communicated with something deep inside of me, leaving me with a feeling of safety and love that I hadn't felt in a long time. I savored the moment, taking in the moon, the stars, and the cool feel of the wet sand beneath my feet.

A woman in a dark sweat suit jogged by, her German shepherd close at her side. A toddler squealed in delight somewhere close by, but as far as I was concerned, we were the only two people in the universe.

I turned my attention back to the hunk beside me. I loved everything about Antony. I was falling fast and terrified of the damage he could do to my heart.

He paused and looked out over the water. "I love it here. I'm just so at peace near the ocean."

He pulled me into his arms, and a shiver of delight surged through me. Our eyes locked, and I wondered if he'd read my mind and somehow knew I'd give everything I owned for just one kiss. He paused as if uncertain.

I was lost in the moment. I wasn't sure how to encourage him to kiss me without seeming easy. He didn't move, merely stood there, his body rigid against mine.

When he finally moved, it wasn't as I'd planned. Antony's lips kissed my forehead and my cheeks, still denying me what I longed for, which was a kiss passionate enough to take my breath away.

I threw caution to the wind. Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head down. Once our lips met, Antony quickly took the lead. I melted into him, our heartbeats blending as his lips whispered across mine in a dance as old as eternity.

He pulled away first, leaving me breathless, but longing for more.