Now--what can get cooler than that?
Kia Ora!
Whew! Where did May go? No matter. June brings new and
exciting events to Splashdown waters. Read on!
New Release

Book Three of The Reality Chronicles
The Day shall declare the reality revealed by fire...
Destinies are forged in the dark night of the soul.
Kaylee and Nathan pursue a zombified Crystal to rescue her soul if they can. A
vision of death propels their mother, Gabrielle, to chase them in order to
prevent its fulfillment. Her wizard friend, Josh, accompanies her to keep his
promise to protect her. A mysterious religious leader wants to seduce Kaylee to
violate her morals. And a demonic being seeks to bury the reality of the ring
through temptation and deceit. Through their twisting journeys, each encounters
their destiny. Including the ring.
...Reality's Fire is revealed, and no soul can hide from
its judgment.
Reality's Fire is currently available for purchase
at the usual places. Click over to Splashdown Bookshop for more information and
Now Available

She joined the knighthood for the scholarship
She joined the knighthood for the scholarship
A thwarted assassination attempt drags Caissa Ocren into a secret war
between elemental spirits and dragon worshippers. More accustomed to solving
puzzles than wielding swords, she undergoes a crash course in survival from a
mercenary minstrel, a shape-shifting druid, and a legendary spirit warrior. An
ancient book may hold the answers she seeks, but understanding requires the
memories of a wizard. With time against her, Caissa faces the hardest lesson of
all—how to serve when the cost is her life.
Bragging Rights

Two Splashdown releases took silver medals in the Next Generation
Indie Book Awards: the speculative anthology Aquasynthesis and YA
fantasy Finding Angel.
Congrats to the authors of Splashdown Books and Kat
...and speaking of bragging rights...
Two Splashdown authors are
engaged in a Brag-Off this very moment. Who will win and who will dance and
sing the wonders of the other on YouTube?
You can just bet that
link will be posted here. Stay tuned...
Books publisher Grace Bridges attended the unConventional Speculative Fiction
conference in Auckland last weekend and got herself elected Padawan to the
President of writers' group Speculative Fiction New Zealand.

Coming Soon
your eyes open. New book releases coming all year, including Splashdown's first
non-fiction book (shhh. It's still a secret)! But before that, look for
something new from our Darkwater paranormal line, plus another exciting
That's it for June, folks. Busy, busy, busy down here at the bottom of the world and everywhere a Splashdown author writes, but we plan to keep you on top of it all.