Thanks to Gail Pallotta for nominating me for this award.
Here are the
1. Thank the one who nominated you.
2. Put up the award.
3. Answer the questions you have been sent.
4. Make up ten new questions for nominees to answer.
Here are my questions and answers.
1. Thank the one who nominated you.
2. Put up the award.
3. Answer the questions you have been sent.
4. Make up ten new questions for nominees to answer.
Here are my questions and answers.
1. What was
something that brought you lots of joy this year?
My two new grandchildren!
2. What is your hope for 2015?
To continue to grow my craft, and to earn at least 10% more than last year.
3. What is your favorite leisure time activity?
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Have you ever written a blog about that place or set a book there?
I would love to travel to Scotland and Wales and England, and no I've never done blogs or books there. I'm working on a book that's partially set in Germany.
5. Who has had the biggest influence on you?
Lorilyn Roberts, owner and founder of the John 316 Marketing Network.
6. Have you learned something new this year about life, people, or writing?
I've learned to enjoy the way authors want to learn to grow themselves through the writers I've been blessed to edit for and mentor.
7. Do you have a favorite genre to read? Do you write in that genre?
I love to read sci/fi fantasy, and no, I don't write in it. Some of the mystery would vanish, I'm afraid, if I tried to figure it out.
8. Please share a Bible verse or insightful quote with us.
I still live on Hebrews 10:23 - Let us hold firm to our faith, for He who promised is faithful. Still a challenge and a call with a reward.
9. What helps you shut out the busyness of the world when you write?
Focusing on the screen and moving into that realm.
10. Tell us about one of your blogs or books and what you just love about it.
I love to write for The Barn Door.net. It's a blog about midwesterners, written by a group of buddies who happen to be writers. We share what's unique and special about our communities and it's a lot of fun.
My nominees are Cherie Burbach, Cheryl Colwell, Tracy Krauss and Chris Eirschele
Here are their questions:
1. Where did you find joy this past year?
2. What is your hope for 2015?
3. What do you do for fun?
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Have you ever written a blog about that place or set a book there?
5. Who are some people you admire most and why?
6. Share three things you learned this past year.
7. Are you working on a writing project now? What’s it about?
8. Please share a Bible verse or insightful quote with us.
9. How you do balance your time?
10. Tell us about one of your blogs or books and what you just love about it.
God's blessings on all for 2015!
My nominees are Cherie Burbach, Cheryl Colwell, Tracy Krauss and Chris Eirschele
Here are their questions:
1. Where did you find joy this past year?
2. What is your hope for 2015?
3. What do you do for fun?
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Have you ever written a blog about that place or set a book there?
5. Who are some people you admire most and why?
6. Share three things you learned this past year.
7. Are you working on a writing project now? What’s it about?
8. Please share a Bible verse or insightful quote with us.
9. How you do balance your time?
10. Tell us about one of your blogs or books and what you just love about it.
God's blessings on all for 2015!
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