Thursday, October 6, 2011

Book Review: Fingerprints


By Chantal Obasare

c. 2010

Xlibris Publishing

ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4535-5316-9

Softcover 978-1-4535-5315-2

Chantal Obasare shares lovingly crafted poetry that reads like a cry from her heart on an intimate walk of faith with Christ. From the closing refrain of the opening song, “The Grand Climax,” “Then no other will I see, But my Jesus Christ,” to the poignant black and white photographic illustrations reflecting a number of the poems, the reader will share a piece of the author’s soul.

Obasare uses short phrases and rhyming or wrenched rhyming lines in her quatrains.

The simple beauty of worship in her poem “Beyond the Veil” reminds us that the things of this world are changeable pictures while God is real.

You gave me breath

You gave me life

And endless hope

Amidst trying times

I enjoyed Obasare’s word pictures like “Where ‘parents’ is not a fraction” in “Somewhere” and “When my eyes refuse to stop flooding” in “It’s not you…it’s me.”

The poetry showcases her passion for love and family as well. “I Was Made For You” is lovely marriage talk.

Obasare changes pace a bit with “Jamaica: Land We Love.” Octets describe the pain of crime and hurt in a land of beauty and the need for faith to remember God’s blessing.  “Missing” could be anyone, anywhere, as the poetess decries today’s lack of morals. “Where was God?” is a question most of us ask at some point in our lives. Obasare replies in the voice of Job.

“Lovely” reads like an undulating ocean wave, each line a declaration of “I love you” followed by no matter what. Obasare’s end piece, “Pieces of Me,” is like sitting down to a cup of tea with a friend.

Nicely done! Readers of spiritual folksy poetry will enjoy this book—Fingerprints will leave its mark.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Diane E. Tatum
Daughter of a bordello madame and an Italian captain of the seas, Angelina Mercy longs for a new life, free from the condemnation associated with her mother's home in Boston. A former navy man, Jonathan Thomson, has accepted God's call and become a minister of a small congregation. Adrift from his Yankee heritage in the Missouri plains, Jonathan longs for a family of his own. Pursuing Alice, the daughter of the town's wealthy patron, Jonathan believes he can tame her wild ways.
Can Jonathan ignore Angelina's Gold Earrings, a constant reminder of the implications of her less than pristine parentage? The resilient heroine will inspire you in this touching tale of love against the odds.

Diane was born in Louisville, KY, raised, married, and had 2 sons in north St. Louis County, MO. Her young family relocated to Newport News, VA, so her aerospace engineer husband could work at NASA-Langley.

In 1997, Diane received her Masters and teaching certificate just a month before moving to Tullahoma, TN, when her husband began a new job at AEDC facilities.

Diane has
been a consultant for AP/College Board leading conferences for teachers with Pre-AP (middle school) students to prepare their students to take AP classes in high school. She has also been a consultant concerning youth Sunday School for the Southern Baptist Convention, the Tennessee Baptist Convention, the Baptist General Assembly of Virginia, and the Peninsula Baptist Association.
Check out Gold Earrings Fan Page
Twitter: @DianeTatum
What Others Are Saying
Diane your book is so good I truly believe that Hallmark should use it for one of there movies Thanks so much for sharing your story with us and I cannot wait for you next book to come out.
--Juanita Petty Holmes, fan

I really enjoyed this book. The characters are all real and struggle in their walk with God and his will for their lives. Plus, I really liked that the main character in this book overcame her family background. This book teaches tolerance and every person is responsible for their own walk with God.
--Kristy Gaddis, fan
The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tomorrow Had Come
by Jessica Kirkland
In every season of life, the Enemy would whisper the lie that I would “never make it” to the next. I believed it. Time and time again, I thought his words held power. As a young child, I never thought I would live to see my school years. Once I entered school, I never thought I would live to see the next day, next grade, or milestone in life. I listened to a very real enemy, even though I didn’t want to. Even though I came from a strong, Christian family, I felt powerless to stop the lies. Fear gripped me, stole from me, and taunted every careful step I took.
I gave my heart to Christ at six years old, yet fear still held me tight. Though I had renewed hope, the whispers and lies continued to flow and drown out truth through every season. When, I heard the words that burned a hole straight through, I was nose-to-nose with what appeared to be the sum of all my fears.
“Mrs. Kirkland, you have congestive heart failure. If your babies are born now, they will probably not live or be severely impaired.”
I was twenty-six weeks pregnant with triplets. In the beginning, I had been pregnant with quads, but had lost one child at 14 weeks. I never imagined we might all go meet Jesus on the same day. I mourned the thought of my husband walking through life alone. I grieved for the children that would either die, be disabled on this earth, or grow up motherless. And I burned with anger, not just because of the oxygen mask strapped to my face as I struggled for breath and life, but for twenty-five years of allowing Satan to tell me that I would never make it to tomorrow.
Tomorrow had come.
As nurses whirled around me, I prayed Acts 17:25 out loud, “…You give life and breath to everything, and satisfy every need.” I pleaded with the God I personally knew through a relationship with His Son, Jesus. I knew He had a plan for my life that was good according to Jeremiah 29:11. In my humanity, I struggled with the thought that death might be His plan for us on that day.
Today, we are parents to three healthy five-year-olds. You would never know they were born nine weeks premature. The joy that Satan has stolen from me in 30 years, through a spirit of fear, is great. I imagine if you strung each lying sentence end-to-end, they might wrap the globe. Yet, I have promised to tell others of God’s miracles in my life and do my part in setting captives free. Tomorrow had come, but so had Jesus, and it is He who has defeated the grave.
“For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7

Author Bio
Jessica Kirkland
Jessica Kirkland lives in Southeast Texas with her husband, Robb, and five-year-old triplets. She is an author and speaker whose greatest passion in life is to see young families grow deeper in their walk with God. Jessica's newest adventure includes launching Christian Apps 4 Kids, which seeks to draw kids closer to Christ one app at a time. A recent release is a book app that addresses fear and scary nighttime sounds called The Sounds of Night, designed for kids ages 2-8. It is currently available on iPad, iPhone and all Android devices. When Jessica isn't writing, you can find her cheering her boys on at the soccer field, or watching her little girl at the dance studio.
To find out more about her current writing projects,
connect with her at:
or on her personal blog:

To purchase The Sounds of Night at iTunes:

To purchase The Sounds of Night in the Android Market:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reflecting Him - book review and grand prize package



God longs for you to spend your day with Him. Reflecting Him helps you pulls back the veil so you can see how a true relationship with the Lord changes your life. As Jesus becomes a part of everything you do, you will soon be reflecting Him to those around you.

In ten weeks, through Reflecting Him, you will:

  • Realize life is not about me, but all about Him.
  • See daily applications for lessons learned from scripture.
  • Understand how God is directing your life—often without you knowing it.
  • Learn the importance of prayer in your everyday activities.
  • Discover the joyful intimacy of a life filled with Jesus.
  • Realize how your personal relationship with Jesus changes when you make Him part of everything you do.

The study comes in small enough bites to digest, but deep enough content to stimulate change and growth. Carla McDougal’s refreshing authenticity and humorous style lifts you up and encourages you to dig deeper into the Word.

CARLA MCDOUGAL is founder of Reflective Life Ministries headquartered in the Houston, Texas area. Her true passion for her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, shines brightly, whether she is speaking or writing. She shares experiences from her own life to encourage women to live every day for Him. God is sending Carla around the world to speak to women from all walks of life—those living in the best of circumstances to those who have hit rock bottom.

Carla’s book, Reflecting Him: Living for Jesus and Loving It, is a 10-week study that encourages you to open your eyes to God’s daily life lessons. The more you ask God to be in your life, the more you will recognize His hand on everything you do. For more information on a growing number of products from Reflective Life Ministries, and to see about booking Carla for an event or interview, go to

Author Interview
  • What practical steps can believers take to be less self-focused and more God-focused?
    • Life is not about me, but all about Him. This phrase changed my life. Prayer is the key to keeping your eyes on Jesus. The more we pray, the more God moves us to do His will and not our will!
  • You say it’s important for believers to discover how to pray everyday prayers. What does this mean? I heard a speaker say she would never bother God to help her find her lost keys or a good parking spot—how do you feel about that statement?
    • I pray about everything! Jesus tells us in Luke 16:10, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.” We categorize prayers, God recognizes prayers. God wants us to bring everything to Him. Nothing is too small or too big for God! Prayer builds our faith and trust in Jesus!
  • What are some of the blessings of having an intimate life with Jesus, and how does one develop that intimacy?
    • Humbleness abounds as I realize there is nothing I can do to earn an intimate relationship with Jesus. I can only obtain it through His grace and mercy, which He gives so freely. Jesus is my all in all.
For those who leave a comment, you'll be entered into a grand prize drawing package of the following items, worth $125!:

Reflective Life Ministries
Instant Leader Kit:
Video Teaching Series
Bible Study Book
Leader Guide
Music CD

My Review of Reflecting Him:

Reflecting Him: Living for Jesus and Loving It

By Carla McDougal

c. 2010
ISBN: 9781606150337
Genre: Bible studies, general

Reflecting Him is a great individual or group Bible study guide for those who want to delve into a lifestyle of faith.

Set up as a ten-week course, McDougal’s attractive workbook allows plenty of space for participants to record reactions to the lessons, and offers a Leader’s Guide and Teaching Materials available to download from the Reflective Life Ministries web site. A story, a scripture “excavation” and reflection is planned out for five days of each week.

Reflecting Him is written with women in mind and full of encouraging and challenging observations such as The Firing Process: “Do you see Jesus walking with you in the heat of your situation?”

While I’m not always pleased with Bible Studies that jump all over the place scripturally, McDougal carefully combines Old and New Testament scriptures with the weekly focus. For example, in Week 5, Prayer is the focus of the week, with a tour of the inside of our spiritual home the examples.  Day One deals with our hidden selves in The Closet and the scripture focus is the story of David and Bathsheba; Day Two talks about our need for peaceful rest, and so on, taking a different Bible passage to work through the week.

McDougal’s writing is personable and personal, encouraging with well-planned lessons and real-life application challenges. She’ll lead you on a path to a deeper walk with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Diagrams, pictures, charts, and a bibliography make this large-size workbook attractive and useable. It won’t get lost in the sofa cushions!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Virtual Launch for A Summer in Oakville

John 316 Banner
September 20, 2011
Press Release for the John 3:16 Marketing Network
For Immediate Release
John 3:16 Marketing Network Book Launch
Tuesday, September 27,  2011
24 hours ONLY
Free e-gifts with purchase on launch day   
A Summer in Oakville
Lisa Lickel and Shellie Neumeier

A Summer in Oakville 
Set in Wisconsin, A SUMMER IN OAKVILLE is the story of a family reuniting to save the rural life they once cherished. One magical summer in fictional Oakville, Wisconsin, love finds its way through four entwined lives. Tessa's marriage hangs by a thread; her daughter, Lindsay, takes on the local town board and the developer who threatens to steal not only the farm but her heart. Tessa's widowed brother Art hasn't been home in twenty years; how can he send his out-of-control teenage son, Andy, to his aging parents?

"We set out to tell the story of the changing landscape in rural Wisconsin," Lickel says. "We wanted to try something unique while using our individual strengths as authors. Shellie writes fiction for young adults, and I write older characters."

"Our family, the Hasmers, could be anyone," Neumeier says. "They want to keep their heritage, while at the same time they struggle with the changing times. It's hard to make a living on a family-sized farm, and sometimes you have to make tough decisions."

      "In our story, the adult siblings, Tessa and Art, have their own problems but come together in order to help their parents and their children," Lickel adds.

      "Their children, Lindsay and Andy, are good kids who are also victims of the tough economic times and peer pressure today. But they have good hearts and learn from their grandparents' and parent's good family and faith values," Neumeier says.

Black Lyon Publishing, LLC is an independently owned Oregon-based publishing house producing fiction titles in trade paperback and e-book formats, and the only Romance Writers of America recognized publisher in the state. Black Lyon titles are available at, local bookstores and most major online retailers.

Lisa and Shelley

Shellie Neumeier 

Best-selling author Shellie Neumeier holds a degree in Secondary Education from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with a minor in Psychology, Sociology and Social Studies. A devoted mother of four, Shellie previously worked on staff with Northbrook Church as the King's Kids ministry assistant (serving children in grades 2nd through 5th). She is an active member of SCBWI and ACFW as well as a contributing author for various blogs.

Lisa Lickel

Multi-published author Lisa J. Lickel also enjoys writing and performing radio theater, short story-writing, and is an avid book reviewer and blogger. She enjoys teaching writing workshops and working with new writers. She is the editor of both Wisconsin Writers Association's Creative Wisconsin magazine and Written World Communication's OtherSheep Magazine. She lives in a hundred and sixty-year-old house in Wisconsin filled with books and dragons. Married to a high school biology teacher, she enjoys travel and quilting.

 Check out A Summer in Oakville Facebook fan page: Click Here

What Others Are Saying

"A SUMMER IN OAKVILLE is a cleverly-composed novel that addresses issues from the past, affecting four characters' present-day lives. Shellie Neumeier and Lisa Lickel are a dynamic writing duo!"
Andrea Boeshaar
, author of Seasons of Redemption

"Like quills of bittersweet devotion that pierce the heart, yet warm with the matchless comfort of forgiveness-A SUMMER IN OAKVILLE is a beautifully woven series of unforgettable novellas." Tessa Stockton, author of The Unforgivable

"Four sweet novellas combine to tell the charming story of A SUMMER IN OAKVILLE in Oakville. Saving your heritage, forgiving the past, and uncovering years of family secrets are weaved through four very different romances to create a delightful read that I looked forward to coming back to each day. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy."
Cherie Burbach, author of Internet Dating Is Not Like Ordering a Pizza and Working Writers

"You'll be hooked from the first page of A SUMMER IN OAKVILLE. This novel grabs the senses and doesn't let go."
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, multi award-winning novelist and poet  

nstructor for the renowned UCLA Extension Writers' Program
Author of the multi award-winning series of HowToDoItFrugally books:
The Frugal Book Promoter
The Frugal Editor
The Great First Impression Book Proposal
Great Little Last-Minute Edits  


Friday, September 23, 2011

Mystery Month at Blackwood's Forest

Today I'm visiting Lisa Blackwood on her blog:
For Mystery Month! We're talking about the Gold Standard and the upcoming Map Quilt (April 2012).

Come chat!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tourney Banner 2
Happy Anniversary, Clash of the Titles!
It's been almost a year since COTT opened its voting-booth doors and invited everyone in. Over the past twelve months, readers have chosen 25 Clash winners and received 48 free books. And along the way, a family formed. That family consists of the voters, authors, staff, and the 25+ blogs who have banded together in mutual support with COTT. This is cause for major celebration! So COTT is doing it up to the nines. Clash of the Titles' first annual Tournament of Champions begins next month! Over the course of four weeks, past winners from the previous year will compete in a series of clashes for the ultimate prize: the Laurel Award. The Laurel, COTT's most prestigious honor, is awarded by public vote to a single author among the year's champions. Voters are expected to turn out in droves to support their favorites and participate in games just for readers. Each week, COTT sponsors—consisting of various authors and staff—will issue fun challenges to readers along with the chance to win gift cards, critique services, a business card design, and more. A dozen sponsors are lined up for the event so far. That's a lot of prizes! Throughout the month, details and updates on the Tournament of Champions will be shared on the COTT website and featured within the Blog Alliance. To help spread the word, please grab the special Tournament Button (below) to display on your site. Then send a link to your page to: contactcott at gmail dot com to enter the special COTT Shout-About drawing. The drawing will take place during the first week of the Tournament and the winner will receive a Clash of the Titles mug.
Please also consider Tweeting or sharing this article on your Facebook wall.
(it only takes a second--just click the share button.)
Mark your calendars and spread the word. This BYOV (Bring Your Own Vote) party begins on October 10th!

* Michelle Massaro is the Assistant Editor of COTT and a writer of contemporary Christian fiction. Find her on Twitter @MLMassaro or Facebook.