Introducing a new book from author Dana Rongione
What Happened To Prince Charming?
Understanding What To Do When You No Longer
Know the Man You're Married To
About the Book:
My heart crumbled as this lovely young wife and mother told me of her
struggling marriage and desire for a divorce. For as long as I had known her,
she had dreamed of getting married and starting a family. When she met Mr.
Right, the glow on her face outshone the sun, and when she found out she was
expecting their first baby, it seemed like she had discovered her perfect place
in life. So, what happened? It wasn't so long ago that she was singing the
praises of her Prince Charming, but now it seems that all she can do is utter
complaints about her Elmer Fudd. What made the change, and is divorce the only
Unfortunately, her story is all too familiar, and her pain
rings true in the hearts of hundreds (if not thousands) of women across the
globe. What is a wife to do when she no longer recognizes the man she married?
Within this book, you'll find the answer to that question along with Scriptural
advice on making the most of your marriage.
When you tied the knot, you made a promise to love your
husband for better or for worse. I want to help you keep that promise!
Released February, 2016
92 pp
- ISBN-13: 978-1530005932
To purchase from the author's webstore, click here.
About the Author:

Check all of Dana's books, including her middle grade reader Delaware Detective series, click here.
A brief Q & A with Dana
Why I wrote the book:
Honestly, the Lord has been teaching me so
many things in my own marriage that I felt compelled to share the knowledge
with others. We wives are quick to judge
our husbands based on how much they've changed since we met them. Gone are the days of wooing and trying to win
our affection. Instead, in our eyes,
they have become couch potatoes or “good for nothings” that are only interested
in one part of the relationship: the
physical part. These issues have led to
frustration and arguments in more marriages than I can count. When I first began praying about these issues
in my own life and the bitterness I was feeling toward my husband, I had hopes
that the Lord would change my man back into the Prince Charming he was twenty
years ago. But instead of changing my
man, the Lord changed me and helped me to realize that many of the issues were
because of me not my husband. It was a
hard lesson to hear, but I'm so glad the Lord dealt with me and helped me to
see the light. Now, my goal is to help
other women see it as well.
Who is the book for?
The book is intended for married women of any age, but there's a lot of
information in it about relationships in general that anyone could glean
What do I want readers to take away from this book?
I guess the main thing I want them to
understand is that their marriage is not doomed. There is still hope to have a “happily ever
after” if they're willing to do what it takes to make the marriage work. I also want wives of all ages to know that
these marriage issues are normal and that they're not the only ones wondering
what happened to their Prince Charming?
How did I research the book?
Many of the issues I deal with in the book are
ones that have come up in my own life or in the life of a friend or family
member. I also gathered some information
from women through social media, trying to get a feel for how many people felt
the same way I did. The number was
astounding. As for the remedies to these
situations, I needed only turn to the Word of God for those. There is a fair amount of Scripture
throughout the book because I feel that the Bible contains the answer to any
and all of life's problems. We simply
need to know where to look.
What's next for me?
I am starting on a book project
unlike anything I've ever done. The
trilogy will be a Christian fantasy series based on Merlin the Magician and
will contain a blend of myth, legend and Biblical truths. The majority of the storyline of the first
two books will take place in Bible times after the teenager, Merlin,
accidentally sends himself, along with young Prince Arthur, back in time. In book one, the traveling duo searches out
Jesus in hopes that this “Man of Miracles” can send them home. Book two jumps even further back in time, but
the rest of the details of that story are a bit of a secret right now. Finally, in book three, Merlin and Arthur
return back to their time, but many things have changed, especially Merlin
himself. I have a true love of Camelot
legends, so I am very excited about this project. Book one is already planned out, and Lord
willing, I'll begin writing it within the month. Hopefully, books two and three won't be far behind!