![Rarity Mountain (Faith, Hope, and Love Series Book 3) by [Foust, Sara L.]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fuTn8k07L.jpg)
Rarity Mountain
Sara L Foust
Christian Adventure/Romantic Suspense
Mantle Rock Publishing
c. March 5, 2019
About the Book
have nothing in common. Simon has served his sentence, but his past conviction
still haunts him. Fern is a veterinarian and grew up on an off-the-grid
homestead. The one thing they share? Each has a dark secret they would do
almost anything to protect.
When their current careers are yanked away, they are
left scrambling to pick up the pieces. A reality television show falls into
their paths, offering a life-changing opportunity that tests their resolve and
their faith.
These two unlikely partners must battle to survive
for thirty days in the untouched wilderness of Rarity Mountain with only a
handful of survival items and a director who is out for drama, no matter the
cost. With their lives and their carefully guarded skeletons on the line, they
will discover how far they are willing to go to win the million-dollar prize
for Survival Tennessee.
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A Brief Interview with the Author
Sara, what do
you love about this book?
I love writing stories about broken people who find
their way to a new or a stronger faith. Rarity Mountain is no exception. Both
Fern and Simon have something in their pasts they are ashamed of and must make
peace with. Fern, especially, needs to find God’s forgiveness and love and,
through Him, learn to have faith in mankind and in God.
Share a couple
of things you learned while researching this story.
The setting for Rarity Mountain is the actual Rarity
Mountain exit of I-75 here in East Tennessee, just before you reach the
Kentucky border. I knew of its existence and its interesting story about a
wealthy man who purchased it, planned a huge development, convinced the state
of Tennessee to build an interchange, and then filed for bankruptcy soon after.
I learned during more research that the plot is 4,600 acres and was meant to be
home to not only luxury homes but a golf course, shopping center, and hotel.
None of that happened, though.
Introduce us to
the character who made you laugh first.
Fern is a very serious veterinarian who is
uncomfortable with her past. She does not trust easily and believes that other
humans will inevitably let her down. Her sarcastic, sometimes self-abasing
humor made me laugh first. She is clever and intelligent but broken. I loved
seeing her story develop into such a beautiful faith journey.
What do you hope
readers will tell others when they’ve finished the book?
That the story of Fern’s journey to forgiveness
moved them. Maybe even gave them courage to let loose some of their skeletons
and move on.
What are you
reading now?
I am actually in between books right now, but I am
anxiously awaiting a few self-discovery books from Amazon and March’s ACFW book
club book.
What’s next?
I am working on the first book in a 3-book (maybe
more!) series called The Jade Owl. It is about an East Tennessee archaeologist
who is looking for an ancient pirate treasure buried somewhere in the Great
Smoky Mountains.
About the Author
How to reach me:
Website: www.saralfoust.com
Newsletter sign up: http://eepurl.com/cfqP5H
Email: sfoust25@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaraLFoust/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sfoust25
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sfoust25/
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