Friday, September 27, 2024

New Inspy Romance from Barbara Britton


Escape to Whispering Creek

Barbara Britton
White Rose Publishing
September, 2024, 256 pages
$5.99 ebook
$16.99 print
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Barnes and Noble 

About the Book

Can a gregarious office manager and rehabilitating business owner find love while fighting accusations of white-collar crime?

Emma Uranova enjoys her office job until her boss disappears with the investors' money. To avoid the media storm and false accusations, Emma flees to Whispering Creek, Tennessee to live on her best friend' s secluded property. When a temporary position opens up in Nashville, Emma leaves small-town anonymity to pad her depleted bank account. With a handsome new boss and a steady income, Emma believes life is looking up... until she discovers she has transported the scandal in her backpack. Where is God when her life is falling apart?

Wade Donoven is recuperating from a crash that sidelined him from the family electrical business. Worse yet, his prodigal younger brother is getting the glory for Wade' s accomplishments. Desperation, and physical setbacks, have him agreeing to let Emma help him manage the business office. But when trouble follows her to his doorstep, Wade must make some difficult choices. Sending Emma back to Whispering Creek may unknowingly place the woman he's come to love in danger.

My Review

This delightful second story following characters from Christmas at Whispering Creek is a nice and easy inspy read. Britton adds an elements of danger and suspense to her romance when her innocent and eager Emma learns her perfect career choice isn’t so perfect after all, and she flees notoriety in Wisconsin for her friend Sam’s refuge in Whispering Creek, Tennessee. It turns out that notoriety isn’t all she’s running from.

Emma had invested all of her funds in her new boss’s senior living development project. She’s left with nothing when the project was merely a front for criminal activity. When Sam and her boyfriend Cole offer Emma a temporary respite in Nashville to visit Cole’s family, Sam finds new purpose in helping Cole’s family with fill-in office work for the family business. Trouble is, the job comes with a surly older brother recovering from injuries that have sidelined him, and he has a huge chip on his injured shoulder, among a host of other resentments stemming from prodigal son syndrome. Is it worth it for Emma to deal with him just to hide out while her name and bank account recover from a bad situation? As Wade thaws enough to accept some help in his physical recovery, his emotional recovery also allow room to let Emma’s bubbly personality and utter faith coax him into a happier and more positive state of mind. When Emma’s past catches up to her a week later, they must decide to stand together or divide and conquer.

 Britton’s characters are sweet and loving, dealing with challenges realistically. I enjoyed the setting and the unwavering faith elements as the romance grew. Those who enjoy sweet romances with a touch of danger will certainly like this story from Whispering Creek.

About the Author

Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. Barbara writes romantic adventures for teens and adults in the Christian fiction and mainstream markets. She is published in Biblical fiction and enjoys bringing little-known Bible characters to light in her stories. She also writes historical and contemporary romance. Barbara is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and Romance Writers of America. She has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter and instagram.

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