This month’s clash was one of
International flavor, with participants from Australia to Canada writing
historical fiction, mysteries and fantasy. The authors are truly a talented
group and we are proud to feature their work.
Our Clash fans are awesome! You
left wonderful encouraging words, a portion of which follow:
Rachelle Rea is so talented. I can't wait
to read The Sound of Emeralds.
I am currently reading the last book in the
trilogy written by author Rachelle Rea. So looking forward to the third of what
I hope to be a long list of reading by this author.
Christine Lindsay, you work so hard to tell
a great story that your books are a delight.
The Sound of Emeralds is such a good read,
Rachelle! I was in tears when she lost the baby and nearly sobbing thinking
that Gwyn would shut out Dirk for good! But you did tell me there was a happy
ending, so I was not in despair! Lol Thank you for writing!
I so enjoy reading your books Christine
Lindsay. Thank you for creating memorable stories that once I begin to read I
cannot put down.
Lucy Thompson, Great title, great cover!
They are all fantastic looking books.
But of course there can be only one Champion.
Christine Lindsay and Sofie's Bridge!

About Christine, author of Multi-Award-Winning Christian Fiction and Motivational Speaker:

Aside from being a busy writer and speaker, Christine and
her husband live on the west coast of Canada. Coming August 2016 is the release
of Christine’s non-fiction book Finding Sarah—Finding Me: A Birthmother’s Story. Please drop by Christine’s website or
follow her on Amazon onTwitter. Subscribe to her quarterly newsletter, and be her friend on Pinterest , Facebook,
and Goodreads.
I always wanted to write a book about the various types of
emotional and mental illnesses that strike individuals and families. In Sofi's
Bridge I painted Sofi's mother as a vulnerable woman, addicted to laudanum
as she grieves over the sudden loss of her husband. Historically doctors
prescribed this heavy narcotic to patients for even the smallest emotional
upset, and of course these patients became addicts. This is an issue that is so
prevalent today. My own dear mother was diagnosed incorrectly by a busy
physician and prescribed heave drugs that she not only became addicted to, but
that created a mental illness that she never had in the first place. I stepped
in as my mother's advocate to get her to a better doctor, see her weaned off
these powerful drugs that she did not need and brought back to full mental
health. Today she is the social butterfly at our church, and the card lady who
send out greeting and encouragement cards to everyone in our church for all
occasions. This is only one of the strong themes in what appears to be a light
historical romance.
I'm writing a new novel, but also eagerly looking forward to
the release in mid-August of my non-fiction book Finding Sarah--Finding
Me: A Birthmother's Story. This is not just my story as a woman who
relinquished my first-born to adoption, but includes other stories of people
who have been touched by adoption and adoption reunion. The theme of this book
is finding our identity in the face of Christ.
Thank you Christine, and congratulations from the Clash of the Titles team.