Showing posts with label Tessa Stockton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tessa Stockton. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Unforgiveable

The Unforgiveable
By Tessa Stockton
c. April 1, 2011
Risen Fiction

ISBN: 9781936835003
$5.99 Kindle price
$10.17 print price - see below for purchase link.

Quilts, recent political historical intrigue, and exotic locations make The Unforgiveable an adventurous read. The premise, that the main character, Genevieve, falls in love with an Argentinian former military captain who served during some of the most horrific political cleansing, is interesting.

Genevieve and her friend visit Argentina for what appears to be a highly touted crafts fair. While on break, Gen encounters Carlos, a man with a checkered past, and they are immediately attracted to each other. Gen's host family has a history with the former government, as the aunt is one of the "disappeared ones"; citizens who were taken into custody because of suspected anti-government activity, tortured for information and sometimes released, sometimes not. The host family warns Genevieve and shows her their personal and the media's side of the so-called dirty war. Genevieve and Carlos cannot stay away from each other, and as Carlos's side of the story is revealed through his friends and his own confessions, Genevieve, through whisperings of the Holy Spirit and despite threats and alienation of her host family and friend, is determined to get Carlos to answer God's invitation to salvation.

Not for the faint of heart, the author describes some aspects of physical torture quite graphically, and hints at other elements. Genevieve's ability to accept Carlos, his personal suffering and his determination to make amends, is a beautiful story of the depths of love and loyalty built not on personal feelings, but conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Stockton's story behind the story of why she felt the need to tell this tale is equally intriguing, and I encourage you to read it for yourself at Although a work of fiction, the author's determination to make available redemption for all who are called is commendable and food for thought. I don't agree with her personal political convictions.

I do recommend this story for those who aren't afraid to explore both sides of an explosive situation and who believe the citizens of the kingdom will surprise us.

I received a galley from the author for review purposes.