Wives Saving Marriages
Attend The Wife S.O.S. Event Online Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013 Noon - 4 PM Central Time All from the comfort of your home! | Register to Win at Right. |

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Keynote Speaker, Kathi Lipp, shares a doable plan that will help you turn your marriage around in 21 days. ![]() ![]() | Enter into worship with Leann Albrecht with music from her recent release, Sreaming on the Inside. ![]() ![]() | To learn more, read the book, The Husband Project by Kathi Lipp. |
In the United
States , over 50% of first marriages end in
divorce, 67% of second marriages end in divorce, and nearly 74% of third
marriages end in divorce.g
Statistics show that 2/3rds of divorces are initiated by
women. And according to a New Woman’s Day and AOL Living
poll, 75% of women surveyed have considered leaving their husbands at some
The economy is tough and CNN reports that financial
pressures are the biggest stress on marriages
in the past 60 years.
The demands of life are also taking a toll: According to one
study, the average married couple spends just four minutes a day alone
One in three American marriages is “low sex” or “no sex.”
While promiscuity is on the rise: Nearly 60% of married adults have had at
least one affair and even if partners marry after an affair, over 75% of those
marriages end in divorce.
A University
of Chicago study by Dr.
Linda Waite, proved that staying married, despite a tough situation, is the
most likely way to be better off relationally, financially and personally after
five years than divorcing. In fact, 2/3rds of the couples in the study who
stayed together were happy, and even those who were still unhappy in their
marriage, were no less happy than those who had opted for divorce during the 5
year study. The unhappy couples were traced for five years: 2/3rds of those
who stayed together reported happy marriages at the end of five years.
Among those who rated their marriages the most unhappy, 8
out 10 who stayed together showed dramatic turnarounds including the happiest
ratings of all in the study.
In addition, the study found that on average unhappily
married adults who divorced were no happier than unhappily married adults who
stayed married when rated on any of the 12 separate measures of psychological
well being. Divorce did not typically reduce symptoms of depression, raise self
esteem, or increase a sense of mastery... Even unhappy spouses who had divorced
and remarried were no happier on average than those who stayed married.
a Boswell, John. 1995. Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern
b Bride’s Book of Etiquette. 2002.
c Connolly, Katie. “Why So Few D.C. Residents Are Married.” Newsweek.com. October 20, 2009. Accessed: October 28, 2009.
d Gottman, John M. and Julie Schwartz Gottman. 2006. 10 Lessons to Transform Your Marriage.
e Graff, E.J. 1999. What Is Marriage For: The Strange Social History of Our Most Intimate Institution.
f “Groom.” Online Etymological Dictionary. Accessed: October 27, 2009.
g Harrar, Sari and Rita DeMaria. 2007. The 7 Stages of Marriage: Laughter, Intimacy, and Passion.
h Hein, Holly. Sexual Detours: Infidelity and Intimacy at the Crossroads. 2000.
i “Husband.” Online Etymological Dictionary. Accessed: October 27, 2009.
j Mannes, George. “Is the Economy Ruining Your Marriage?” CNN.com. August 21, 2009. Accessed: October 27, 2009.
k Moore, Matthew. “Divorce Damages Your Health—and Getting Remarried Barely Helps.” Telegraph.co.uk. July 27, 2009. Accessed: October 28, 2009.
l Neal,
m Squire, Susan. 2008. I Don’t: A
Contrarian History of Marriage. New York , NY : Bloomsbury Press.
n “Where You Live May Affect When You Get Married.” CNN.com. October 20, 2009. Accessed: October 28, 2009.