Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beware WestBow Printing

Babylon’s Falling by William G. Collins.

I wasn't sure if this was a YA novel when I first began reading it. I was curous about WestBow publication offerings when I agreed to read it for Thomas Nelson's Booksneeze program. And, wow, all an author's fears scream at me. You'd think Thomas Nelson would have more respect for its reputation and that of its authors to let Mr. Collins' work come out looking like this. And I sympathize because I've been the victim of poor editing but at lest I didn't pay for it.

As an editor I would have made sure that at least the grammar and punctuation was correct. As a historian, I cringed at the dreadful inaccuracies. As a lover of the Word, I was more than disappointed at some of the author's interpretations, such as Daniel and his friends marrying. Of course it might have happened, but there is no indication of that in Scripture. Yes, I realize this is fiction, but then at least change the name, or call it a story based on what might have occured behind the scenes in Babylon.

Conclusion: Authors, beware giving your money to WestBow. Don't be that desperate to get your work in print.


  1. It's one of the huge pitfalls of the self pub industry. You just never really know if a book is up to par until you read it ...

  2. Most self-publishing companies offer editing services, but it is up to the author to purchase it or not. Any MS whether self-pubbed or traditional, should go through editing before it is submitted. Any wise author will submit to an editor's red pen and realize that every writer (even writers that are editors) need good editing. I would fault the choice of the author here, especially if Westbow does indeed offer editing services. If the editors had already "performed their task," than shame on them.
