Part of the Love's Christmas PAST collection from Prism Book Group
Novella Kindle ebook 99cents
Collection Print, bundled with Christmas Bells by Jewell Tweedt and A Medieval Christmas by Rachel James $13.99
From the publisher:
In the late 1800s, Grant and Lily have established
their farm amongst the bluffs of western Wisconsin. As they anticipate the
birth of their first child, tragedy strikes. With shaken faith and grief
driving a wedge between them, is it possible for three orphans to heal Grant
and Lily’s heart and relationship?
My review:
For a short read, Fragile Blessings packs a lot in,
leaving the reader to ponder the events of the story long after the last page.
Baganz has the ability to transport readers to the past effortlessly, making
you feel as though you’re in the cabin, on the farm, or traveling through the
snow with Grant and Lily.
Told from the viewpoint of the main characters,
readers will struggle through emotions, tense situations, tragedy, and
heartache at both sad and newfound, precious and sweet events in the lives of
these settlers. Using real communities and even little facts, like the round
barns built there, Fragile Blessings will stroke your heartstrings. Life and
love, even faith, is a fragile entity, but the ability to grow, accept that God
is in control, and move on without forgetting and through the help of loved
ones, is the surest blessing. Recommended for those who like a bite of an
historical inspirational story with a lot to think about.
About the author:

She has been published in Splickety Magazine and in the I
Choose You anthology with OakTara Press. Her contemporary inspirational
novels form The Orchard Hill Romances and include: Pesto
& Potholes (2015),Salsa & Speed Bumps (Jan. 2016). Feta
& Freeways (Sept. 2016), Root Beer & Road Blocks, Bratwurst
& Bridges and Donuts & Detours.
Susan speaks, teaches and encourages others to follow
God in being all He has created them to be. With her seminary degree in
counseling psychology, a background in the field of mental health, and years
serving in church ministry, she understands the complexities and pain of life
as well as its craziness. She serves behind-the-scenes in various capacities at
her church. Her favorite pastimes are lazy ones—snuggling with her dog while
reading a good book, or sitting with a friend chatting over a cup of spiced
chai latte.
You can learn more by following her twitter feed @susanbaganz or
her fan page,www.facebook.com/susanmbaganz.
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