I’m talking with Crystal Stuart, a TEMCO lab technician, from Danele
Rotharmel’s new book, Time Search. Time Search is the third book in The Time Counselor Chronicles. Crystal,
it’s nice talking with you again. I enjoyed our last interview in September.
I enjoyed chatting with you too, Lisa!
Thank you so much for having me again!
a pleasure, Crystal. Last time we spoke, you admitted that you had a crush on
Marc Kerry, a professional time surfer. How is that going?
Frankly, like a lead balloon! It’s a big,
fat, fizzling FAILURE!!! I know that you said Marc liked me, but I’m afraid you
were wrong!
you sure about that?
TOTALLY sure! Today, Zeke assigned Marc to
be my field partner, and Marc practically hit the roof. You should’ve heard the
insulting things that Marc said about me! I know I can be a klutz, but Marc
practically said that I was a galumphing camel with two left feet! I’m still
angry about it! I had to leave the room in order to cool off, so I thought this
would be a good chance for you and I to talk.
glad you popped in to see me, but I’m sorry things aren’t going well between
you and Marc.
Me too!!! Marc Kerry is an insufferable prig! I don’t care how cute
he happens to be! In my opinion, he’s a real JERK! After I finish talking with
you, I’m going back to NSU and confront him. He’d better be prepared to
apologize BIG TIME!!!! He thinks he’s God’s ultimate gift to woman, but I’m one
woman who doesn’t think he’s all that special! I called him a narcissist once,
but that description was way too benign!
know you’re angry with Marc, but if you’ll be honest, you still like him—don’t
LIKE HIM??? Are you serious? He’s a—
on, Crystal—be honest.
pause) Okay,
maybe I do like him. But just a little
bit—a very, teeny-tiny, itty-bitty, microscopically small, little bit. (Chuckles) Lisa, Marc gets on my very
last nerve, but when he smiles, I melt into a gooey, mushy puddle. (Sighs) He’s such a dreamboat. (Sits up straight and glares) But don’t
you DARE tell him that!
wouldn’t dream of it, Crystal.
Good! I consider you a friend, and I’d hate
to strike your name off my Christmas card list!
secret is safe with me. Now, Crystal, besides your tiff with Marc, how are you
doing? I’ve heard you’ve been having nightmares.
You’d have nightmares too if a maniac
whacked you on the head, locked you inside a flaming building, and left you to burn
to death. (Shudders) I’m not sure
when I last had a good night’s rest. And what’s worse is that besides the
nightmares, I’ve started sleepwalking. When I was a little girl, I began
sleepwalking after my father’s death. One time, I walked all the way to the bus
station and tried to buy a ticket to my grandparents’ farm. My sleepwalking
eventually cleared up, but the stress of what’s happening with Drake has
started it up again. I’ll be lucky if I don’t end up sleepwalking down the
middle of a busy street!
awful! Have you told Zeke or Marc?
Zeke knows about my nightmares, but not
about the sleepwalking. And as far as Marc, the LAST thing I need is for him to
know any more of my quirks. He already thinks I’m weird—I don’t want to confirm
your nightmares will stop once Drake is caught. How is the hunt going?
(Huffs) Frustratingly slow!!!
We know that Drake is using an alias, and we know that he’s angry with TEMCO
because one of our counselors told his girlfriend to break up with him, but
that’s ALL we know! TEMCO has counseled thousands
of girls—trying to find one who’s connected with Drake is proving to be a
monumental task—especially since we don’t know Drake’s real name!
I interviewed Drake, he said that he’d given you all of the clues you needed to
uncover his identity.
I don’t doubt it! Drake thinks he’s
smarter than all of us put together. I know he’s laughing at our inability to solve
his clues. But I’m not giving up! After what he did to Phoebe, he deserves to
be nailed right to the wall! We’re going to catch him! And when we do, I’m
going to make him pay!
the way, how is Phoebe?
Oh, Lisa! I wish I knew. I’ve heard that she’s been taken someplace safe and
that she’s recovering, but that’s all
I know… I guess that’s good, though. Her safety depends on Drake being ignorant
of her whereabouts. If he gets his hands on me, I don’t want to be able to
squeal. Sometimes ignorance is bliss—FRUSTRATING bliss—but bliss all the same.
you know the location of TEMCO’s leaders?
you kidding???
Drake wants them all dead. They’ve been placed in protective custody until
things clear up. Their location is TOP SECRET!!! Emphasis on T-O-P!
sure that Dan and Gil aren’t very happy about the protective custody!
(Laughs) You can say that
again! Gil is probably climbing the walls right now! She can’t stand to be on the sidelines, and Dan is
SUPER protective of the TEMCO team. Hopefully, their new baby will keep them
busy enough that their inactivity won’t drive them too crazy.
you seen the baby? Is he cute?
Oooooo!!!! Baby Jay is cuter than cute! He’s such a little love
bug! I can’t wait until Dan and Gil are back in town. I’m going to beg Gil to
let me babysit!
about Peter and Laura? Any news on how they’re doing?
Only a bit. As you know, they managed to
escape from Drake’s trap, but Peter was injured in the process… Actually, he almost died. I’ve heard they’re
doing well, but communication is sketchy at best.
about Zeke and Nicole? How’s their romance shaping up?
Oh, Lisa! Watching Zeke when he’s around
Nicole is SUCH A HOOT! He’s been alone for so long that he can’t believe his
luck! Half the time he walks around with his chest puffed out like superman,
and the other half of the time he walks around with a stunned expression on his
face. And Nicole is just as bad. She’s ultra-sophisticated, but when she’s
around Zeke, the sophistication gets dialed down until she’s just a simple girl
who’s totally in love. Sometimes being in the same room with them is like being
knee-deep in pink cotton candy and sticky, sweet syrup. But I love it! I’m so glad that Zeke is finally happy! He sure
deserves it! And Nicole is a blast! Even though we’ve just met, I’m sure that
we’re going to be best friends.
Me too!... Yikes!!! Gracious, will you look at the time? I’m afraid that I
have to run. With Drake on the warpath, it’s all hands on deck at TEMCO. Thanks
for interviewing me, Lisa! I enjoyed it…and it’s given me a chance to cool off.
Thanks to you, I may be able to speak to Marc without biting his head off—but I’m
still expecting him to give me a good apology!
sure that he will, Crystal. I wasn’t joking when I said that he likes you.
Well, if Marc likes me, he has an awfully funny way of showing it! Sheesh! He’s supposed to be SUPER
charismatic, but in my opinion, it’s not very charming to tell a person they’re
a rampaging klutz! If his apology isn’t extra special, he’d better watch out! I
know karate, and I’m not afraid to use it!
(Laughs) You’ll have to keep me posted on what happens. I hope
you have a wonderful day, Crystal! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Anytime! See you later!

About the Book - Time Search
The Time Counselor Chronicles #3
A nameless evil lurks in the shadows…
In the wake of a
recent wave of violence, TEMCO employees are left reeling. While some of the
staff are put into hiding, others are left behind to discover the true identity
of the mysterious nemesis who is determined to destroy them all. While Crystal,
Marc, and Zeke search for clues to unravel the mystery of his real name, their
enemy is lurking in the shadows searching for TEMCO’s missing leaders. It’s a
race against the clock! And as the hours and seconds tick away, it’s anyone’s
guess whose search will be completed first. It’s a classic battle of good
versus evil, and the stakes couldn’t be higher!
Read my review here.
Prism Book Group, an imprint of Pelican Books
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Read my review here.
Prism Book Group, an imprint of Pelican Books
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Ebook - $4.99
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About Danele Rotharmel

this time, the hardest thing she faced was a crisis of faith. She had to quit
her job and stop going to church. She couldn’t write, couldn’t drive, and could
barely remember who she was. To say she was upset with the Lord was an
understatement. She began reexamining her faith in light of her illness, and
eventually, she came to the firm conclusion that God is real, God is good, God
is interested and involved, and God is trustworthy regardless of tragedy.
her illness became even more severe, she was put into quarantine and could only
talk to friends and extended family through the glass of a window. This
quarantine lasted for seven years. During this time, she wrote the first six
books in The Time Counselor Chronicles.
currently lives in Colorado where she continues to write. Although her journey
back to health was long and difficult, it provided her with the opportunity to
grow closer to God and to write her books. For that, she is forever thankful.
Danele’s Testimony: