"We all
wonder why bad things happen to good people. Can God use even the worst events
in our lives to help us feed the world around us? Be the Blessing skillfully
provides both food for thought and food for discussion." -- Lisa Wingate,
national best-selling author of The Sea Glass Sisters and The Prayer Box.
But when she is blindsided with personal problems, can Addy learn
to be a willing vessel even in times of struggle and suffering?
The Inspiration for Be the Blessing
One evening I was thinking on an illustration I hear pastors
use sometimes. A man went to Heaven and was touring with one of the angels.
They arrived at a warehouse filled with beautifully wrapped gifts. The man
asked what they were and the angel said: “These are all of the blessings God
wants to grant but haven’t been asked for.” I continued to contemplate the
story when I went to bed. Not to sound mystical or anything, but God suddenly
“downloaded” the whole outline for THE BLESSING SEER into my mind. I had to get
up and write it down. Throughout the writing God has taught me what it means to
leave my comfort zones and do something significant for Him. I don’t ever want
to miss out on blessings God has in store because I didn’t ask or didn’t obey
His directives.
THE BLESSING SEER is available through the publisher – www.pelicanbookgroup.com or most
other ebook distributors.
When the edits for THE BLESSING SEER were complete and production
began, my editor asked if there would be a sequel. I hadn’t really thought
about it until she suggested the idea. Immediately God began to churn in my
heart and mind about the next lesson my main character needed to learn about
blessings. He revealed to me that even through suffering, a Christian can be a
blessing to another person. It is in these moments of trial that a believer can
learn and be a living testimony of the grace of God. Others can grasp this
grace and be blessed through a child of God because of the ability to
empathize. Thus, BE THE BLESSING was born. This new chapter in the main
character’s life releases Sept. 13th and will be available from the
publisher and other ebook distributors. Through this sequel, I pray the reader
can see that he/she can trust God to be near during hard times and know He will
use the lessons learned through trials to touch others.
About the Author:
Paula Mowery Author, Editor, Speaker

Please look me up and connect with me.
Find me on Facebook under Paula Mowery. I also have an
author page on Facebook.
Check out my blog.
You can subscribe to receive posts through your email.
Also, I can be found on LinkedIn.
Find my monthly articles at www.christianonlinemagazine.com.
My ebook, The Blessing Seer, is available through any ebook
distributor and through my publisher, Pelican Book Group.
In November, the book, Brave New Century, will release from
Prism Book Group. This is a historical romance collection of four stories where
my story, Forgiven, is included.
Take a look at my editor bio at www.prismbookgroup.com. I am an
acquisitions editor for this publisher where I have two authors I have signed
so far.
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