Love One Another?
By Michael Reynolds
About the Book:
God created you with an inner desire to have close friends who encourage you throughout life’s ups and downs. More than that, Jesus commands you to love other followers of Christ with the same intimate love that he pours out on you. How amazing is that? This is the kind of command I want to follow! Love One Another explores the meaning of this beautiful command and how obeying it can transform your life in exciting new ways. Michael gives practical ways to deepen the friendships God has given you and explores how living this kind of life draws you closer to Christ.
In a busy and fast-paced culture, we can find ourselves settling for friendships that are convenient and shallow. God desires us to experience extraordinary life-changing friendships that reflect the love he has for us. Following this one command is essential if we are to grow in our love for God, in our love for others, and become a more appealing image of Christ to everyone else. Christ’s love is intimate and deep, sacrificing his own life to save ours. Can you imagine someone saying that about you? Love One Another will start you on this journey towards deep friendships that will change your life. Are you ready for such an adventure?

August 2013
$4.99 ebook
$8.99 print
Michael, what do you love about this book?
Each time I have read through it I am left in
awe at the depths of Christ’s love for us. To be asked to love others in this
close personal way is both inspiring and overwhelming. My life has truly been changed
in fantastic ways as I have lived out the principals laid out in each chapter.
Too many times I have read a book which has inspired me but have been
frustrated because I had no idea how to get to such a place in my life. With
this in mind I tried to make each principal very practical so that any person
can begin down this journey towards deeper friendship.
What do you hope readers will tell others after
they’ve read your book?
Honestly there are a bunch of places I hope
readers land after reading this book. Some people may see Jesus’ command to
love one another differently than before while others may find a longing for an
intimacy with other followers of Christ. What would excite me the most though
is if a reader told a friend they wanted to go through the book together with
them. The whole point of the book is to pursue deeper friendships so what a
great opportunity to start!
Two things I learned while writing and
publishing this book?
Being that this was my first experience of writing
a book I learned many things along the way, but there are a couple key lessons
I took away from the whole process. First off, I learned the importance of
finding the right editor, not simply any editor. Editors do more than
proofread; they help with flow and content. This means you need someone who
knows something about the content you are writing about too! Another thing I
learned in the process is writing is only the beginning. After the content was
written I was surprised at all the work it took to get the book published.
Finding the right title, writing a catchy description, formatting, cover
design, I was unprepared for the work required after the writing was finished.
Anything else you want us to know?
This book is only the beginning to the exciting
adventure that can be found when you begin to love other people the way Christ
calls us to. I could only focus on a few aspects of Christ’s love, but when you
spend time abiding in His love, you come to find there is no end. Writing this
book was a joy to my heart and I hope reading it brings joy to yours as well.
About Michael Reynolds:
I live in California with my wife Merry and my daughter Joy where I am a Christian Coach at Vintage Christian Coaching Center in Templeton. I worked in full-time ministry for over ten years and have a Masters in Ministry, Masters in Theology, and a Doctorate in Biblical Studies. Those are my credentials, but who I am at the core is someone who cares about people. I love to sit and talk to people about their stories, their lives, and begin to see God in new ways through them. As a Christian Coach, I have the unique opportunity to help people see how the Gospel can bring restoration to the deepest places of their lives. I believe God’s love is a rich and beautiful treasure. Spending my days unraveling its mysteries is an adventure worth living.