Tessa, book one of Unsavory Heritage
Robin E Mason
E-book $6.99
Print $19.95
510 pp
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About the book
One mother. Two daughters. One favorite. One not.
When Cassie Barclay is presented with an opportunity – or is it a curse – she
jumps at the chance. She takes on a new life, her sister’s life, and although
at first, it holds appeal and promise, she soon realizes sometimes the fairy
tale is tainted.
Assuming the name of Tessa, Cassie moves into the life that was her sister’s,
and faces first one realization then another, one disappointment after another.
Stepping into Connie’s life does not automatically grant her all that Connie
had or was.
But it does deny all that she had and was as Cassie. As herself.
My review
Mason has woven a tale of generational disjointed love and
hate, judgement calls gone wrong, passion and forgiveness.
Christmas birthdays aren’t the only thing the Barclay women
have in common. A penchant for finding trouble is another. Mason eventually
focuses on the 1950s and the title daughter in this story of lovely, talented
women who are disappointed by circumstances and relationships. The book is a
virtual visit to this era, one of glamour and glitz, of unreality and
reinvention. It takes some time to get here, though, as the story is told in
cyclic form, starting with the revelation of a secret, then regressing to an
earlier era.
Told in fits and starts, jumping around in time and from an
outside wide perspective, this long story is a virtual romp through family
secrets, shame, and triumph—thus the “Unsavory” heritage. The desire to be
loved and accepted propels the cycle of poor judgement calls and missed
opportunities. When an accident opens a strange crack in the family, the
unloved daughter attempts to bridge the gap. A huge cast wanders in and out of
the generations. Everyone is tied to together and the ripple of choices washes
over all of the others. It took me a while to get familiar with the names and
relationships, but once we jumped into Cassie/Tessa’s life, the twists just
kept coming. Those who love family drama and multi-generational twentieth
century stories told in wide angle format will enjoy this series.
About the Author
I have been writing since 1995, and began working in earnest
on my debut novel, Tessa, in 2013. Meanwhile, I cranked out a few dozen poems, made countless notes for story
ideas, and earned my BFA in Interior Design. I lived with depression for many
years, and the inherent feelings of worthlessness and invisibility; I didn’t
want to be who I was and struggled with my own identity for many years. My
characters face many of these same demons.
I write stories of identity conflict. My characters encounter situations that
force the question, “Who am I, really?” For all who have ever wondered who you
are or why you’re here, my stories will touch you in a very real—maybe too
real—and a very deep way. I know, I write from experience.
I have three novels published, the Unsavory Heritage series. Tessa, Clara Bess, and Cissy are available on Amazon, both for
Kindle and in print. I also have several poems included in an anthology, Where Dreams and Visions Live (Anthologies
of the Heart Book 1) 9
by Mary Blowers as well as a short story, “Sarafina’s Light,” also in an
anthology, Blood Moon, compiled by
Mary Blowers. I will also be working on a personal compilation of poetry to be released in
You can connect with Robin at:
The other books in the series are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I will review them in the future. ~Lisa
Book 2 Clara Bess
Book 3 Cissy